Rams star signs in Scotland


Awaiting his clearance before he can kick start his football career in Scotland, Brown was ecstatic about signing for the professional club in Scotland.
?Thankfully it paid off coming to Scotland for trials.
?I really wanted to make a go of it playing in Europe again and Airdrie United have given me that chance.?
Nicknamed ?The Diamonds?, Brown is the only foreigner playing for the club outside of the U.K. as the club does sport players from England and Northern Ireland.
The 24-year-old thanked the Rams for giving him the opportunity to hone his skills in the TeleChoice Premier League before jetting off to Europe.
?I would like to thank the Rams for their professionalism and also for them giving me the opportunity in going for trials also.
?I was keeping a tab as to how the boys were going and glad they did really well towards the second half of the season and finished off really strongly.?
Brown has not written off a move back to Australia down the track with the possibility of playing in the A-League still high on his agenda.
-By Mark Stavroulakis