Jarryd Hayne trains with Inter Lions youngsters


In a cross football code promotion, the lucky children were given a once in a lifetime opportunity to receive their jerseys from one of Australia?s highest profile sports stars.
The children graciously accepted their jerseys from Hayne, who in turn presented the superstar with an authentic 2010 World Cup football.
After the presentation, Hayne and the Under 9 team, had a kick around on the field using both Football and Rugby League techniques and the kids were just amazed and thrilled by his skill level with a football.
CDSFA President Frank Parisi was enthusiastic about the cross promotion between both codes.
?This cross promotion shows that major sporting clubs and superstars such as Jarryd Hayne have not forgotten their past at the grass roots level.
?When I told the Inter Lions club about the promotion they were fully behind it and supported the team in building and publicising the club.
?I?d like to thank Jarryd Hayne for his time and to see the smile and happiness that he bought to these kids is just priceless,? he ended.