Australian Italian Referee Exchange Program 2009

The Italian referees from the region of Umbria are about to arrive on our shores to referee in the TeleChoice Premier League and Super League. The Italian delegation will consist of four referees and six executives from FIGC and AIA.
As part of referee development the Australian Italian Referee Exchange Association (AIFREA) has made this year?s program possible with the collaboration of Football NSW and the NSW State League Football Referees Inc and with the support of their sponsors Hyundai Motor Company Australia, Hallmark Unipro and Balmain Commercial.
As in the past two exchange programs 2004 and 2006 the Italians are scheduled to referee two weekends and in keeping with tradition they will officiate their first match between Sydney?s biggest Italian origin based clubs, Marconi and Sydney Tigers (Formally A.P.I.A.) at Marconi Stadium on Saturday the 2nd of May.
Their ten day extensive program will see the delegation visit Football NSW headquarters, Italian Consulate, ANZ Stadium, Club Marconi, Bankstown Sports Club, The Waterfront at Homebush Bay and Hyundai Motor Company Australia.
The reciprocal exchange program will see four Australian referees from the NSW State League Referees Inc be selected on performance to ply their profession in Italy around September this year.
Apart from football and refereeing the exchange program provides a continuation in experiencing different cultures, sharing administration ideas and an insight on new techniques to benefit overall the game we love so much.
The delegation will consist of the following referees and Executives:
? Roberto Mattei, Leonardo Biccheri, Raffaele Agro? and Diego Di Bagio. (Referees)
? Luigi Repace (President of the National Regional Amateur League, Italian Referees Association Representative ( AIA) and Federal Consigliere to FIGC Roma)
? Nino Cosentino (Vice President National Amateur League)
? Giovanni Bonato (President of the Youth National Regional Amateur League)
? Giuseppe Palmerini (Vice President of Umbria Regional Comittee)
? Gianpiero Micciani (Provincial President National Amateur League- Terni)
? Virgilio Ubaldi (Provincial President National Amateur League- Perugia)