Injury Prevention

Injury Prevention

Football is one of the most popular team sports in Australia and worldwide.  Football places many demands on the technical and physical skills of players, and as a result, injuries can and do occur.  Doing everything possible to prevent injuries is important including good preparation, good technique and practices and wearing the right protective equipment.

Perform+ Injury Prevention Program

The Football Australia Perform+ is the primary injury prevention program for football in Australia.

Injury Prevention & Injury Management

Good preparation is important. Always warm up, stretch and cool down.

  • Undertake training prior to competition to ensure readiness to play.
  • Undertake fitness programs to develop endurance, strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.
  • Gradually increase intensity and duration of training.
  • Good technique and practices will help prevent injury
  • Know the rules and play fairly.
  • Instruction on correct kicking, heading and tackling techniques must be available and reinforced.
  • Coaches should undertake regular reaccreditation and education to ensure their knowledge is kept up-to-date.
  • Officials should enforce game rules.

Football Heart Health Checks

The health and safety of football participants is the highest priority for all involved in the game, making it important that all players, especially older players, book in with their General Practitioner to get a heart health check-up.

Health, Fitness & Wellbeing

Portable Goalposts


Club Resources