FNSW Offers Coaching workshops to School Teachers
Football NSW in conjunction with the Department’s School Sport Unit are offering Kindergarten to Year 12 teachers in NSW an opportunity to participate in both a Football and Futsal Accreditation Workshop building on from what was a successful 2015 for this initiative.
Almost 200 teachers attended various workshops in 2015 across NSW and already venues have been setup for new candidates wanting to take part in such a knowledgeable course.
Football NSW Coach Education Manager Oscar Gonzalez stressed the importance of these courses which he felt were making a difference in the overall coaching structure for football at NSW Schools.
“The aim is to train school teachers as well as helping them provide better football experiences at their respective schools.
“Since Football is one of the largest played sports in both Primary and Secondary schools and is an inclusive sport for both boys and girls, these courses empower teachers with more knowledge to take charge of training sessions and match day game plans.
“The beauty of these courses are that they are offered across all sectors of education which means Independent, Private, Catholic and State Schools have equal opportunity to take part in both Football and Futsal courses.”
With dates approved for a number of courses in 2016, there are still opportunities available in hosting such these workshops so for further information contact Oscar Gonzalez on 88144429 or via email on oscag@footballnsw.com.au
To view the Football Coaching Accreditation Workshop flyer click here
To view the Futsal Coaching Accreditation Workshop flyer click here