FFA/AFC ‘A’ Licence course 2016/2017
Football Federation of Australia have announced that they will be running a second FFA/AFC ‘A’ Licence course in 2016/2017.
Registration are now open under the MyFootballClub website.
All coaches holding the FFA/AFC ‘B’ Licence accreditation are eligible to register.
For course information/registration please click on the links below:
Course information: https://education-ffa.sportingpulse.com/event.asp?EIDMC=9601386&MenuID=%2f17038%2f0
Course Registration: https://education-ffa.sportingpulse.com/Entry/?EIDMC=9601386&Format=mycentre2&MenuID=%2f17038%2f0
As you will notice, Part 1 will commence 21 May, 2016, with Part 2 starting the following year on the 25 May, 2017.
If you have any questions regarding the course contact Jenny Roldan on Jenny.Roldan@ffa.com.au