Northern Suburbs FA rolls out its #PutYourKitOut campaign
Northern Suburbs Football Association have encouraged its members to do their bit in promoting the beautiful game via a special campaign labelled #PutYourKitOut.
With football locked down temporarily for the time being, Northern Suburbs Football Association have urged its clubs and players to grab any of their 2020 playing gear or their favourite football club and putting them on display at home either in the front window or on a balcony and then taking a snap and sharing it on social media using the #PutYourKitOut hashtag.
With so many football personnel across the globe doing their bit in keeping the spirit alive during this unforeseen lockdown period due COVID-19, Northern Suburbs Football Association have encouraged others to follow suit in promoting the game we all love.
Northern Suburbs Football Association CEO Edward Ferguson was looking forward to seeing the clubs within his catchment area throw its support behind this initiative that was remastered from the idea that popped up via a mass teddy bear hunt that went global, which was a way to distract the millions of children locked down because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
That and a good discussion with Northern Suburbs Football Association’s Digital Content and Social Media Manager Nick Amies who kick started the initiative.
“We wanted to engage our community and showcase the strength of football in the region by asking players, coaches and referees to put their kits out.
“We are looking forward to seeing thousands of football shirts hung within windows throughout Australia.
“I wonder if people will be able to guess them all.”
Southern Tablelands Football Association have also gotten behind this great initiative and have pushed a similar message to its members as well.
Do your bit and get behind this today, #PutYourKitOut and show your support.