NSW Cerebral Palsy Football side rewarded

The side were joint winners in the ?Team of the Year with a Disability? which was an amazing achievement for the entire squad who were delighted with this award.
The NSW team won the National Championships for the fourth year in a row held in Sydney last June.
The team also managed to secure the silver medal at the 2007 Queensland Festival of Football in October.
The team consisted of: Chris Pyne (Captain), Chris Restall, James Laybutt, Marik Gleizer, Sam Larkings, Brett Cross, Brett Fairhall, Brett Sharrock, Ben Atkins, Aidan Bennison, Pat Grant and Kevin Munday.
All of the above players with the exception of Kevin Munday, are current squad members of the Australian Paralympic Football Squad.
Nicholls, who played for the combined states team, was also in the National Squad.
This is quite an achievement as the opportunities to play and train together were very limited with the NSW team getting together about 4 times a year.
Pyne, Restall, Laybutt, Gleizer, Larkings, Cross, Fairhall, and Nicholls were all chosen in the Australian Paralympic Football Team that competed at the CPISRA 7-A-Side Football World Championships held in Brazil last November.
Larkings was named goalkeeper of the tournament (CPISRA 7-A-Side Football World Championships Brazil) which was a massive achievement for the talented custodian.
Football NSW would like to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of the NSW Cerebral Palsy side.