Football NSW Special Needs Football Forum & Coaching Presentation


This is a great opportunity for clubs and associations to find out more about how to run special needs programs and coaching special needs players.
As you will see from the Agenda, this Forum features a Coaching presentation and practical coaching field session so we also invite any coaches of special needs players to attend as the information and field session will really help them in their coaching role.
DATE:              Monday 30 June 2008
TIME:               7pm   
Supper and refreshments will be available for attendees from 6:30pm.
VENUE:           Lecture Room 1, Football NSW, Valentine Sports Park, 235 Meurants Lane, Glenwood.  (see map attached).
RSVP:              Confirm your attendance by emailing by 25/6/08
Facilitators:     Michelle Hanley, Norm Boardman and Larry Grant.
Presenters:     Norm Boardman, Larry Grant and special guests.
1.            Welcome & Introductions
2.            Special Needs Gala Day ? Larry Grant, Competition Secretary
–              Gala Day format and seek feedback on ideas
–              Proposed dates ? seek feedback on which dates best suit
–              Activities & games
–              Registrations
3.            Open Forum ? Michelle Hanley, Risk Manager
–              Programs ? coordinators will be invited to give a brief update on any developments
–              Come and Try Day ? discussion and feedback on this idea
4.            Inclusion Coaching – Norm Boardman, Technical Director Football NSW
This will involve:
–              a short presentation from an athlete with a disability
–              a field session involving coaches and special guests on inclusion coaching
(coaches are invited to bring/wear training gear to participate in this session)
5.            Close
Please confirm your attendance by e-mailing  or   Phone 8814 4402. 
RSVP?s by 25/6/08 please for catering purposes.