Granville & Districts Soccer Football Association secure Parramatta Stadium for 2008 Grand Finals

The GDSFA have secured the use of the supreme facilities of Parramatta Stadium for its 2008 Grand Finals. Parramatta Football Stadium is located in one of the fastest growing regions in the Western Sydney metropolitan area. The Stadium is one of NSW?s premier multipurpose venues and is heavily renowned as being one of the best sporting pitches in Australia.
Saturday matches for the mixed competition will commence at 8.30am with last match scheduled to kick-off at 7.00pm under lights. The Sunday matches, Ladies competition, are set to commence at 9.00am with the last game commencing at 5.00pm. Games will be covering the Junior and Senior competitions.
The games being played at the Stadium will be of a high standard, primarily being Division one ? both Junior and Senior level. This applies for both male and female matches. The matches played at the Stadium will not be limited to one Club but the experience will be offered to many of the Clubs affiliated within our Association.
Securing the Stadium is seen as a shining light in what has been another successful season for the Granville District Soccer Football Association.
Granville & Districts Soccer Football Association?s General Manager Michael Briggs was overwhelmed in securing Parramatta Stadium for its respective Grand Finals and is endeavouring to showcase this opportunity for its members.