FNSW Referee, Brett Hookham to participate in AFC “Project Future”
Brett will travel overseas later this year to attend one of the AFC Festivals of Football. The AFC Festivals also act as a recruiting ground for talented coaches and referees, the best of whom are given further development through the Project Future programme.
Project Future as the name implies seeks to identify the next generation of prospective elite match officials with a view to providing high level developmental opportunities aimed at preparing them for a possible jump onto the national and international stage.
When asked recently about the impact of Brett’s selection to participate in Project Future FNSW Chief Executive Michael Quarmby, had this to say:
“This is an extraordinary opportunity for Brett and for his career as a prospective elite referee and shows that NSW match officials continue to impress at the highest levels.”
Brett’s local development has been closely monitored by the State Technical Committee whose new and innovative training programs continue to develop high caliber officials to service the game at all levels.