
The Allstars had the opportunity to extend their solitary point lead at the top of the table while for the Warriors the chance was there to leap frog the opposition to pole position.
Luke Haydon had the games first opportunity after only a minute which Josh Codrington did well to save with his foot.
Tobias Seeto opened the scoring after 7 minutes after hitting a half volley after a ricochet of an Allstar defender to leave Maiorana in the Allstar goal with no chance.
Issac Waddick against his former club had a clear sight on goal after a perfect turn to get away from Rhys Giovenale and with only the keeper to beat he took one touch to many and the chance was gone.
Waddick then had the games next chance when Vizzari laid the ball back but the ex Warrior shot high and wide.
The Warriors made the Allstars pay when Lea?Alafa skipped down the right flank and drilled the ball pack post to the unmarked Adam Bradley to make it 2-0.

Trent Flanigan looked the most likely Allstar to make things happen and his penetrating ball once again found Waddick who once again missed the opportunity and when the normally deadly Adrian Vizzari scuffed his shot with only Codrington between he and the goal it seemed destined not to be  the Allstars day.
Vizzari wasn?t having his best game and it was his miss hit pass from inside his ?D? that ended up at Ben Lawsons feet who tapped home from 3 yards to make it 3-0 midway through the first half.
A minute later Dane Merrin went on a mazy run and shrugged of the foul by Aaron Cimitile before getting a hot away which hit the crossbar.
Mystifyingly the referee instead of calling the advantage foul called a free kick which Rhys Giovenale dispatched much to the disgust of the Allstar bench but to the delight of the Dural contingent and with that the young Warriors went into the half leading 4-0.

The start of the second half was much more the game everyone anticipated.
Quick with chances being created by both sides.
Flanigan, Fogarty and Haydon went close for the Allstars whilst Giovenale and Lawson were denied by two outstanding Maiorana saves.

The next goal was the all important and one of Durals best on the night Ben Lawson scored his second of the match after collecting the ball from a Vizzari mistake to make the score 5-0 in favour of the Warriors.
Vizzari redeemed himself only seconds later when the lightning quick Daniel Fogarty flashed past Lawson to find a free Vizzari at the back post who tapped home.
In the scramble to retrieve the ball from the back of the net Vizzari was booked for jostling with Codrington.
A minute later Vizzari received his second booking whilst in possession of the ball and along with him went Allstars chances of a comeback.

Dural were going for the jugular and had it not been for Maiorana denying first Giovenale and then Lea?Alafa and then Lawson the Allstars could?ve been in for a ripe old hammering.
There was nothing he could do with Durals next goal.
Waddick lost possession and after making a save down low to deny Merrin, Bradley smashed home the rebound to rub further salt in the Allstars wounds.

Young Marcello Bortone then made a good save to deny any further damage but it was Allstars who would get the games final goal.
Youngster Anthony Poniris found a wide open Issac Waddick who tucked away nothing more than a consolation goal for the outplayed Allstars.

Dural are like a well oiled machine. Defensively brilliant and with an astute coach in Rob Varela these young Warriors have a very big chance to go all the way.
The Allstars whilst missing players were totally outplayed and lacked the hunger of the Warriors but have too much experienced to be ruled out yet.
It wouldn?t surprise me to see these two teams meet again come finals time.
INNER WEST ALLSTARS ? Maiorana, Haydon, Flanigan, Vizzari, Pace ? SUBS – Waddick, Fogarty, Pivato, Cimitile, Poniris, Bortone.
DURAL WARRIORS ? Codrington, Giovenale, Lawson, Merrin, Seeto ?SUBS –  Bradley, Pollock, Staypleton, Lea Alafa, Codrinton, Brunalu.
Allstars- Vizzari, Waddick
Warriors ? Lawson 2, Bradley 2, Giovenale, Seeto.
Allstars ? Vizzari, Maiorana, Pace
Warriors ? Giovenale, Merrin.
Allstars – Vizzari