SAP Gala Day Cancelled

This weekend’s Skill Acquisition Program (SAP) Gala Day at St Ignatius College, Riverview has been cancelled due to wet weather.
The playing surfaces at Riverview were inspected Friday morning by Football NSW officials. With the recent deluge of rain that’s hit Sydney in the past forty-eight hours, with more rain expected across the weekend, the pitches were deemed unplayable.
Football NSW did investigate Valentine Sports Park as an alternative venue. Whilst the fields were in good condition, limitations to the number of available fields and parking resulting from venue construction, compounded by the short time frame to coordinate competition aspects including field set-up and medical services, meant Valentine Sports Park was unfortunately not an option to accommodate the event.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our disappointment in being unable to host the June SAP Gala Day and offer our apologies for any inconvenience.
Football NSW look forward to hosting the next SAP Gala Day in August.
More information on this Gala Day will be conveyed on a later date, enjoy the long weekend.