Macarthur’s Field of Dreams


Work has now begun on the new synthetic field at Lynwood Park in St Helens, which is great news for community and elite football in the Macarthur area.
After many years of planning, the home of the Macarthur Football Association and Macarthur Rams FC will be transformed in a project co-funded with Campbelltown City Council and the Federal Government.
The development will no doubt please new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull who, as Shadow Communications Minister, was at Lynwood Park back in 2013 for the pre-election pledge of funding.
The state-of-the-art synthetic field will provide a significant asset for the football community and Association General Manager Glenn Armstrong couldn’t be happier. 
“It’s been a long process, but this will be a great facility for all our members.”
The field will be ready in the New Year and Armstrong has big plans for the new pitch, with the launch of a brand new competition, the Macarthur Champions League, to be played at the end of February, as a lead in to the 2016 season.
Pictured below: Construction underway at Lynwood Park.