Message from FFA Board to the Australian Football Community


The Football Federation Australia (FFA) Board issued an Information Statement to Members ahead of the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) scheduled for 2 October.

The Statement outlines the recommendations of the independent FFA Board, which supports change, to the Members of FFA on the resolutions to be voted on at the EGM.

The FFA Board has issued this statement, as it has done so prior to previous general meetings, to fulfil the duty of directors to act in the best interests of FFA and to ensure Members are fully informed.

In the interests of transparency, and as the proposed changes could have profound implications for the Australian football community, the FFA Board has decided to publicly release the Information Statement (see attached).

The Directors of FFA support constitutional change to expand the Congress of FFA in accordance with the FIFA Statutes and support many of the core elements of the Congress model proposed by the Congress Review Working Group (CRWG) that are reflected in Resolution 1.  This includes a significant increase in the size of the Congress and provisions to give effect to gender equality.

However, the Directors of FFA do not support some important elements of the CRWG Congress model and other proposed amendments contained in Resolution 1 which they consider are not in the best interests of FFA.  Accordingly it is their duty to recommend voting against it.

In the eventt Resolution 1 is not passed, the FFA Board proposes to immediately work with the Members, FIFA and AFC on a Congress model that retains the core elements of the CRWG model whilst addressing the concerns with it.

The FFA Board believes it would be possible to finalise a model in a timely way so as to enable the expansion of Congress in time for the 2018 Annual General Meeting.

In relation to Resolution 2, the Directors recommend the Members consider the effect of the resolution carefully.  The Directors support a consultative process to develop a new A-League governance model and if Resolution 2 passes will participate in the working group process.  The Directors will have a duty to independently form a decision on whether any proposed model is in the best interests of FFA and would submit any such model to Congress for endorsement.

20180928 – Board Information statement to Members re 2 October 2018 EGM