Promoting positive sideline behaviour for grassroots sport this winter
With the winter sport season well under way, the NSW Government is reminding spectators of the very simple message – if you don’t have anything nice to say, then shoosh for kids.
The Shoosh for Kids campaign is being held across NSW throughout May and involves sports clubs, their members and sporting associations promoting positive spectator behaviour so that kids want to keep coming back to play junior sport.
Minister for Sport Steve Kamper said the Shoosh for Kids campaign is all about ensuring a positive sports environment and encouraging junior sport participation.
“We need to ensure that our grassroots sporting communities are places where everyone feels welcome. This campaign is about keeping sideline commentary fun and positive so that kids and families feel encouraged to keep coming back to play each week,” Mr Kamper said.
“The message is simple, if you don’t have anything positive to say, then shoosh.
“We want to drive abusive or violent people out of sport, they have no place on our sidelines.
“More than 500 clubs have signed up to the Shoosh for Kids campaign, sporting clubs across NSW can use our free resources to let communities know exactly where they stand on poor spectator behaviour.”
Football NSW CEO John Tsatsimas said the entire footballing community is getting behind the program.
“Football NSW is a proud advocate of the Shoosh for Kids campaign and will be actively promoting the key messaging for this program across May and beyond.
“Football NSW alongside numerous other State Sporting Organisations will be ensuring there are positive environments for all our members to participate in as we do each and every week when our sport is played.”
“Football NSW will be actively participating in this awareness campaign promoting positive behaviours, environments and most importantly enjoying another season of football.”
A special launch took place at Olds Park, home of the Penshurst West Football Club, as the Football St George club participated in the media festivities.
Shoosh for Kids Winter Awareness Month will run from 1 to 31 May 2023, with free resources available to clubs and associations to share the message and help keep sport fun for junior players.
For more information or to sign up, visit: