NAB Skills Series Launched


ALDI MiniRoos have officially launched an innovative series of kids coaching videos to give ALDI MiniRoos coaches and parents the tools to deliver great sessions for young children who love their football.

The series of ten NAB Skills Series videos have been developed by the FFA’s coaching team and our Ambassadors Steph Catley and Archie Thompson to provide a set of 37 approved activities for Game Leaders and parents to use in their ALDI MiniRoos sessions.

Over a ten-week period, a new NAB Skills Series video will be released on a weekly basis, containing three activities designed to engage the 220,000 ALDI MiniRoos footballers across Australia.

An Activity Guide for ALDI MiniRoos is also available with additional coaching tips and written explanations of the activities to support the videos.

To view the latest video click here.

ALDI MiniRoos is the biggest junior football program in Australia with 220,000 youngsters aged between 4 and 11 playing in the official FFA Kick-Off programs or in one of the 2,000 clubs across the country.

Football is the biggest junior team participation sport in Australia and is considered one of the safest sports for children. It is also suitable for children of all abilities.

ALDI MiniRoos helps children stay healty and active and develop fundamental motor skills and social skills.

Globally football is the most popular sport with four billion people worldwide following the game.

To sign up for ALDI MiniRoos please head to our home page.