Help us Tackle Cancer and Get your Club Involved in Call To Arms


Taking part is easy:

  1. Click here to register your Club now so you can plan your Call To Arms match as you arrange your fixtures. Alternatively, call our events hotline on 1300 65 65 85 to register over the phone.
  2. Choose a match anytime in July.
  3. Ask all team players to wear a yellow arm band and make a gold coin donation.
  4. Encourage the crowds to dig deep and donate to support all men who have fought or are fighting cancer. 

It?s that simple!
Grand Prize Draw – Register your Club and raise over $1,000, and you will be automatically go in to the draw to win a training and information session with Australian Strength and Rehabilitation Coach, Bryce Cavanagh.
Bryce has vast experience in fitness coaching and has worked with many professional sporting teams including the West Indies Cricket Team, Rugby Union club the Waratahs and now currently works at the Sydney Swans.  So no matter what sports code you play Bryce maybe your secret weapon!
A training and education session with Bryce Cavanagh, could completely change your Club?s game forever. Imagine having Bryce?s professional advise throughout your season next year ? this is a once in a lifetime opportunity not to be missed!
Tackle cancer in your Club… Claim your date in July for Call To Arms, join in the fight to tackle men?s cancers and register now.
Remember one in two men will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85 ? it could be you, or it could be your best mate.
So register now at or call 1300 65 65 85