Rockdale City Suns assist in School Jump Start Program

The School Jump Start Program ran for four weeks with all students receiving a soccer ball and certificate for the completion of the program.
The 4-week program gave students the opportunity to enhance their basic football skills and encouraged students to actively participate in sport.
Rockdale City Suns President Zak Agioski was pleased with how the program operated.
?The program was a great way of increasing awareness of our football club to the community.?
Vera Bosevska, Principal of Rockdale Primary School, showed much appreciation for the beneficial program as well and outlined that the kids enjoyed every minute spent.
Football NSW also conducts free visits to schools throughout the Sydney Metropolitan area as well as the 3 Country regions. To book a visit or get more information, please follow this link to the McDonald?s Football NSW Schools Development Program or call James, the Schools Development Coordinator, on 8814 4455.
For more info follow this link.