Learn to manage Volunteers


This course covers recruitment, management (of people and roles), training, communication, recognition and evaluation. Keep these valuable people around!

Tues 1st December       6pm – 9pm
Are you on a Committee ? but haven?t got a clue what you?re meant to be doing?
This course is for you, and also for long serving committee members and Presidents. Consider what roles your committee needs, who should be filling them, and how to best use (and keep interested) all others who are willing to help. People want to be on effective committees ? make sure yours is.  
Tues 8th December       6pm – 9pm
There are still places available so make sure you book yourself in!
Don’t forget that you can book specific courses for your sport/organisation and that Julie is willing to come to you – email julie.stafford@sportnsw.com.au or call 8116 9740.
Courses November – December – Members’ prices start from $50 – Book now via our website!    
December 1st (Tues) Managing Volunteers 6 – 9pm
December 8th (Tues) Committee Roles 6 – 9pm