Free defibs on offer from the Marc Arcuri Foundation


Community sporting clubs across New South Wales can apply for a free lifesaving defibrillator from the Marc Arcuri Foundation by making a submission before February 28. 

The Foundation was set up in 2014 in honour of 15-year-old Marc Arcuri, who suffered a fatal heart attack while playing for Austral FC.

Since then, three Marc Arcuri Cup football tournaments have been held, raising more than $96,000.

Foundation directors Robby Mansour and Alex Cauchi said the ultimate aim is to equip every suburban ground in NSW with a defibrillator.

“When we held the first Cup in 2014, we did it with the aim of raising enough money to purchase one defibrillator for my cousin Marc’s club.  By the end of this year, we will have delivered more than 45 defibrillators,” Mr Mansour said.

“We knew that we could achieve more by raising the money ourselves rather than begging politicians to fund a defib rollout. Thanks to our generous friends, family, sponsors and supporters – countless lives could be saved.

In 2016, the Foundation delivered defibrillators to a range of sporting clubs and causes in Sydney and regional NSW.

“We raised $50,000 at the 2016 Marc Arcuri Cup and we want to make sure that every defibrillator we purchase goes somewhere it will be appreciated,” Mr Cauchi said.

“Although the rising number of deaths from sudden cardiac illness does seem to disproportionately affect football, we are willing to give defibrillators to any sporting club that needs one.”

“We’ve donated defibrillators to clubs that play football, rugby league, rugby union, Australian football and touch footy.

All defibrillators are distributed through the Foundation’s community partner the Royal Life Saving Society of NSW.

The 2016 Marc Arcuri Cup was held over two days at Club Marconi, featuring three competitions for men, women and junior boys.

Details of the 2017 Cup will be released in the coming months. 

How to apply:
Email your club’s name, association, sport, age range, location, contact number and number of members to before Tuesday February 28.