Tips for girls to overcome the nerves and get into football


Hear from passionate father and Daughters and Dads participant, Robin Paterson.

I’m a father of three, and I love football. Recently Mia, my eldest daughter (aged eight), and I signed up for the Daughters and Dads Football program and it has been a really rewarding experience. Mia and I have been able to spend quality time together and we’ve really bonded over our shared love of football. 

What I know, as a dad, is that stepping into any new activity for a little person can be daunting, let alone if you’re taking up a new sport. You have to contend with new people, new skills and new lessons to learn and sometimes it can feel overwhelming.  

With that said, there are huge benefits in taking up sport and football is especially valuable in enhancing the social and emotional wellbeing of girls. If the smile on my daughter is anything to go by, it’s something I absolutely recommend. 

My tips for girls to overcome nerves and reap the rewards of football 

1. Nerves are normal

Think about your child’s first day of school, the unknown can be a totally intimidating space – nerves and the jitters are normal. By acknowledging the nerves with your child, there is a powerful lesson in what actually takes place in a game. Let’s break it down – nerves aren’t usually comfortable and by observing those instincts you can get comfortable with the fact that discomfort is part of the game, on the field and in life. If we can recognize that nerves are part of our process, and rather than beat ourselves up about it, we can go out and perform and maybe even have fun together as a team.

2. Growth comes from stepping outside your comfort zone

The space outside your comfort zone is often referred to as your growth zone because growth happens when new heights of performance are reached. Stepping out of your comfort zone can do incredible things for the self esteem of young girls.

3. Self talk is critical

It is important to remember that starting something new means starting at the beginning, so adopt a beginners mindset. Simply saying “I can do this” can help your daughter change the inner tape that might be centred in nervousness to one that is solutions-focused. Self talk is also the first step in goal setting and is a powerful motivator.

I am a huge advocate of girls playing football – it builds persistence, resilience and positivity, all skills that will serve young women well. It also allows them to feel empowered and importantly address some of the challenges of gender stereotypes, challenges that they will no doubt experience (and overcome) later in life. 

Robin Paterson is one of the many dads who participated in the Daughters and Dads Football pilot programs. Find out how you can get involved HERE.

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