Standing Committees

The Standing Committees were established by Football NSW to represent the interests of various stakeholders in Football in NSW. The Standing Committees are important vehicles for assisting Football NSW in achieving a better environment and value equation for the Football community.

This includes all participants in our game, including players (men and women, elite and grassroots, junior and senior), coaches, referees, administrators and the broader Football community.  Football NSW is committed to using these vehicles to provide opportunities for openness, transparency and inclusiveness with the broader Football community.

The terms of reference of each of the Standing Committees are set out in Schedule 3 of the Football NSW By-Laws (By-Laws).

Amendments to the Football NSW By-Laws

In October 2023, the Football NSW Board (Board) approved certain amendments to the By-Laws.

Under the Football NSW Constitution, amendments to the By-Laws require the consent of Football Australia.  That consent was given on 8 December 2023.

In summary, the amendments to the By-Laws:

  • remove term limits for members of the Associations Standing Committee and the Competitions Standing Committees (that is, the NPL Men’s Standing Committee, the League One Men’s Standing Committee, the League Two Men’s Standing Committee and the NPL Women’s and League One Women’s Standing Committee);
  • provide that two of the Appointed Members of the Referees Advisory Panel must be members of the newly established Football NSW Referees Branch; and
  • update the nomenclature of coaching diplomas and licences in Schedule 3, paragraph 12.2.

In view of these amendments to the By-Laws, if any Association or Club wishes to change its nominated member, they are welcome to do so by submitting the relevant Nomination Form (available below) to this email address –

A version of the amended By-Laws showing the amendments in tracked changes is available here.

A clean version of the amended By-Laws is available here.

Appointment of Members to the Football NSW Standing Committees

On 3 November 2023, Football NSW called for nominations for membership of the Football NSW Standing Committees and Inter-Club Zone Councils for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025.  The deadline for submissions was 5.00pm on Thursday, 16 November 2023.

With respect to the Women’s Standing Committee, the number of valid nominations received exceeded the number of positions to be filled. As a result, the Nominations Committee was required to consider and assess each nomination to the Women’s Standing Committee to determine its final composition.

While Football NSW received a number of nominations from individuals interested in joining the Coaches and Technical Advisory Panel, the Referees Advisory Panel and the Futsal Standing Committee, it received fewer valid nominations than the number of positions to be filled for each of those Standing Committees.

Accordingly, the following process was applied:

  1. individuals who met the eligibility criteria and submitted valid nominations by the deadline were deemed members of the relevant Standing Committee (subject to ratification by the Board at its meeting on 11 December 2023); and
  2. the remaining positions were treated as casual vacancies to be filled by the Board, either at the abovementioned Board meeting or in due course.

On 11 December 2023, the Board met to consider the nominations for membership of each Standing Committee and the candidates to fill the Appointed Member positions and the casual vacancies.

In the case of the Coaches and Technical Advisory Panel, the Women’s Standing Committee, the Futsal Standing Committee and the Referees Advisory Panel, the Board confirmed the appointment of the individuals who met the eligibility criteria and who submitted valid nominations by the initial deadline, and appointed suitable individuals as Appointed Members or to fill the casual vacancies.  Those individuals are set out in the tables below.

Outstanding Nominations for Competitions Standing Committees

Football NSW asks all Clubs whose nominations on their respective Competitions Standing Committees are still vacant to complete the relevant Nomination Form (available below) and send it to send it to

Nomination Forms

Inter-Club 1 and Inter-Club 2 Zone Council Nomination Forms

Clubs participating in the Football NSW Men’s Competitions (i.e.  NPL Men’s, League One Men’s and League Two Men’s) and the Football NSW Women’s Competitions (i.e. NPL Women’s and League One Women’s) in addition to nominating a representative to the relevant Standing Committee, may also nominate a representative to the Inter-Club 1 Zone Council or the Inter-Club 2 Zone Council (as the case may be).

The Inter-Club 1 Zone Council is comprised of the 47 Clubs competing in the NPL Men’s, League One Men’s and League Two Men’s Competitions.

The Inter-Club 2 Zone Council is comprised of the 27 Clubs competing in the NPL Women’s and League One Women’s Competitions (with the exception of Football NSW Institute).

The same person may represent a Club on both the relevant Standing Committee and the relevant Inter-Club Zone Council (but cannot sit on two Standing Committees).  Please note though that the persons nominated as voting members of Football NSW by an Inter-Club Zone Council are not eligible to be the Chair or Deputy Chair of a Standing Committee (and vice-a-versa).

Additional information about the Inter-Club Zone Councils may be found in the By-laws, in particular, in Schedule 2, Paragraph 7 on page 15.

Nomination Forms

Compliance with the Football NSW Rules and Regulations and the Standing Committee Members Code of Conduct

All nominees for membership of Standing Committees and Inter-Club Zone Councils must agree to comply with the Football NSW Rules and Regulations and to be bound by the Standing Committee Members Code of Conduct.

The Football NSW Rules and Regulations means the Constitution, the By-Laws and any other rules, regulations, policies, procedures, codes of conduct, directives and guidelines developed, promulgated and implemented by Football NSW from time to time.

It is the responsibility of the nominee to ensure that their nominator(s) is an “Eligible Nominator” (as defined in the By-Laws) and that Nomination Forms are correctly completed.  Football NSW will not be responsible for invalidly completed Nomination Forms and may not review Nomination Forms until after the deadline for lodgment.

Any questions in relation to Standing Committees and the Inter-Club Zone Councils should be directed by email to:

Mr Michael Kantarovski
Legal & Regulatory Officer
Football NSW Limited

Current Members of the Football NSW Standing Committees and Inter-Club Zone Councils

NPL Women's and League One Women's Standing Committee

NPL Men's Standing Committee