Interstate Travel Application Form

Football NSW Tour Permit - Interstate Travel Application Form

This form must be completed by Football NSW member Clubs and Associations only and is required for any teams that are travelling outside of FNSW Boundaries. The Interstate Tour form must be completed and submitted to FNSW a minimum of 4 weeks prior to travel. Interstate travel must be sanctioned by FNSW for any applicable FNSW insurances to apply.

"*" indicates required fields

Football Type
Type of Team
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 15 MB.
    Club Contact Person*
    Are all participants registered FNSW players for your club this season in this football type?*
    Example: Attending Kanga Cup tournament - are all players currently registered to your club for the current winter football season?
    Select date DD slash MM slash YYYY
    Select date DD slash MM slash YYYY
    Venue Address*
    Team Contact During Tour*
    All officials over the age of 18 years travelling with a team of players who are aged under 18 years must hold a current working with children check number (WWC number) and those numbers must have been verified by the club prior to the team departing.
    Will you be using the FNSW Match Day Check List?*
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 15 MB.