Active Kids – $100 for every child to play football


Hundreds of thousands of school children across the State are now eligible for the NSW Government’s new annual $100 Active Kids voucher, an ideal initiative coming into the football season for 2018.

Football NSW CEO Stuart Hodge was thrilled to have seen such an initiative launched in the aid to tackle obesity as well as assist with the cost of playing the sport.

“Today is an exciting day as it marks the launch of the NSW Government’s Active Kids voucher program – allowing school aged children to receive $100 off the cost of playing our sport from MiniRoos through to National Premier League.

“As many of you are aware, Football NSW have worked tirelessly to ensure that the systems are in place to support parents through the process or obtaining and redeeming the voucher, and clubs to receive their rebate.

“Our support team remains ready to assist you should you have any questions or issues.”

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said all parents with school-aged children will have help to cover the cost of sports and active recreation fees.

“This is a fantastic boost for parents because we know the cost of kids’ sport and activities can really add up. Active Kids is one of the ways the NSW Government is easing cost of living pressures on families,” Ms Berejikilan said.

“We have allocated $207 million over the next four years to help parents with the costs of getting their kids into sport.”

Active Kids will contribute $100 for every child towards the cost of sports registration, membership expenses and fees for physical activities such as swimming, dance lessons and athletics.

Sports Minister Stuart Ayres said parents can now register online with Service NSW to receive their $100 voucher to provide to their approved sport or physical activity club or organisation.

“Active kids are happy and healthy kids and this is going to make a difference to many families. This program means that every child in the State has the opportunity to be fit and active in their community,” Mr Ayres said.

“From today parents can visit the Active Kids website to see a list of approved providers. More organisations will be added in the weeks ahead.”

Active Kids is a key initiative of the 2017-18 Budget and will not be means-tested.

It supports the Premier’s Priority to reduce overweight and obesity rates of children by five per cent over ten years.

Parents have until 31 December 2018 to claim and use their voucher.
To redeem your voucher click here