Volunteer Spotlight: Bradley Peryman

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Throughout National Volunteer Week, Football NSW is highlighting the contributions of various members of grassroots football that have been nominated by their local community.

Bradley’s dedication to Condell Park FC is truly remarkable. Starting his journey playing at just six years old to today at age 28 still playing and continuing through various roles and responsibilities within the club demonstrates a profound commitment to the community and the sport itself. His steadfast loyalty, from declining offers from other clubs to supporting teams across different age groups, exemplifies a rare level of dedication and passion for his club.

During the past 11 years he has served in various roles on the committee from general committee, gear organiser, Vice President to current President of the club. Being only a very small club a lot of the day-to-day work falls on the limited number of volunteers we have, and every home game we have Bradley does both field set up and pull down for all teams playing there, as well as playing his own game on game days.

During his years involvement in Bankstown he has also been registered as a referee from the age of 12 through to 17 years of age, serving not only his club but supplying a service to all other clubs in the district.

Not only does Bradley contribute significantly on game days, but his willingness to volunteer his time during weekdays for night games and other club activities speaks volumes about his character and sense of responsibility. It’s evident that his love for the club goes beyond simply playing the game; he’s deeply invested in its success and well-being.

In an era where busy schedules often take precedence, Bradley’s unwavering dedication shines as a beacon of inspiration. His selflessness and willingness to go above and beyond for Condell Park FC exemplify the true spirit of community and sportsmanship. He sets a remarkable example for players of all ages, showing that true fulfillment comes from giving back and being an integral part of something greater than oneself.