NSW Attorney General to attend ‘Berries 4 Kids’ charity

Held at the Bankstown Sports Club on Friday 23rd May 2008 in aid of the Children?s Hospital at Westmead, Hatzistergos’ appearance has only further strengthened the “Berries 4 Kids Charity”.
?We are truly honoured that Mr. John Hatzistergos has made some time in his very busy schedule to spend a night with us for such a worthy cause?, said Berries? Chief Executive Laki Konistis.
Mr. Hatzistergos is married to Maria and has three children. He replaced Bob Debus (retired) as the state?s Attorney General in 2007.
The Attorney General is the First Law Officer of the State. In this position, he is the most senior member of the Bar and acts for or represents the Crown in litigation.
The Attorney General is the principal adviser to the Government and Cabinet on legal, constitutional and legal policy issues. In relation to legal policy issues, the Attorney General has an obligation to ensure efficiency in the administration of justice, consistency in the level and nature of penalties under the law, observation of the rules of natural justice, and the preservation of civil liberties.
As the Government?s principal legal adviser, the Attorney General advises the Premier, Cabinet and other Ministers and their Departments on legal questions referred for opinion.