TSP for Boys continues to identify future talent


Football NSW’s Talent Support Program (TSP) for boys has continued to identify and develop talented players across both metropolitan and regional NSW throughout February and March with additional games and training in order to broaden pathways for players to fulfil their potential.

A regular Monday night games program based at Valentine Sports Park has brought together players from geographical hubs across metropolitan Sydney in the Under 15 and Under 16 age groups has enabled high intensity games to be overseen by technical staff from both Football NSW and the Football Australia.

Meanwhile, regular additional training and tournaments have supported players in regional areas.

Football NSW Player Development Manager, Drew Taylor outlined the scope of the program and thanked clubs and associations for continuing to support TSP.

“It has been another fantastic intake for the TSP and I would like to thank the technical directors from our respective clubs and associations who continue to assist us to identify players for the program.

“This term we have also been able to incorporate Central Coast United, Western Sydney Wanderers and the Football NSW Institute girls into the program of regular games.

“At the upcoming TSP Tournament days in the April holidays it will be great to extend this program even further when we welcome teams Sydney FC, Capital Football, Northern NSW Football and various Metro and Regional TSP hubs at VSP.

“We look forward to having a number of  our National Team staff in attendance and the Tournament will also serve as part of our ongoing talent identification for future elite games and for the upcoming National Youth Championships in September.

“From next term we are also looking forward to bringing in an Under 14 years cohort to TSP and it has been pleasing to see so many technical directors nominating players they feel will benefit from the program.”

Football Australia Technical Director and Under 17 National Team Head Coach Trevor Morgan and Young Socceroos Coach Gary van Egmond have attended a number of the TSP games throughout the term to identify players and further upskill coaches.

Morgan highlighted the importance of TSP in underpinning talent identification and development for the National Teams Unit.

“Talent ID needs to reach further than ever before.

“The TSP games program run at Football NSW allows National Teams’ staff to collaborate with Football NSW technical staff to view and discuss the progress of talented players identified through club football.

“This also includes tournament days that incorporate players from regional areas and A-League academies. This provides a good snapshot of who is out there, and we often use these to select players for elite games which directly feed National Team activities.

“Several players identified at TSP games have progressed through to National Team camps and to represent Australia in the past couple of years.

“We are looking forward to the TSP tournament day in the next school holidays.”