FNSW Referee Payments

Payments Process

Match Day

Referees must check in and complete the match sheet on the day of the match.


FNSW processes payment for matches that are complete on a weekly cycle (up to seven business days from date of match).


Referees receives their match fee in their Dribl linked account (up to ten business days from date of processing).

In 2024, Football NSW has transitioned to a new payment process for referees allocated to FNSW fixtures; payment will be made directly via Dribl.

Currently this process applies to the following leagues only:

  • National Premier League NSW Men’s and Women’s
  • Football NSW League One & Two Men’s
  • Football NSW League One Women’s
  • FNSW Girls’ and Boys’ Youth League One, Two and Three
  • Association Youth League

Australia Cup and Sapphire Cup match payments are paid directly to referees by the referee branch that appoints you, NOT via Dribl.

For payment to be processed, a referee must have completed the below:

  • Be allocated to the match on Dribl and have accepted their allocation
  • Check in on the day of the match
  • Complete the match sheet on the day of the match
  • Have their bank account linked to their Dribl account

If these are not completed, payment will be delayed until a later pay run.

You can check the payment status of each week below:

Refere Payment Processing

FixturesStatusDate of ProcessingNotes
12th Feb - 18th Feb 2024Paid
19th Feb - 25th Feb 2024Paid
26th Feb - 3rd March 2024Paid
4th March - 10th March 2024Paid15/03/2024
11th March - 17th March 2024Paid20/03/2024
18th March - 24th March 2024Paid29/03/2024Payments may be impacted by the Easter public holidays
25th March - 1st April 2024Paid02/04/2023Includes Easter Monday matches
2nd April - 7th April 2024Paid11/04/2024
8th April - 14th April 2024Paid16/04/2024
15th April - 21st April 2024Paid24/04/2024Payments may be impacted by the Anzac Day public holiday
22nd April - 28th April 2024Paid01/05/2024
29th April - 5 May 2024Paid09/05/2024
6th May - 12th May 2024Paid15/05/2024
13th May - 19th May 2024Paid22/05/2024
20th - 26th May 2024Paid30/05/2024
27th May - 2nd June 2024Paid05/06/2024
3rd June - 10th June 2024Paid01/06/2024Includes King's Birthday matches. Payments may be impacted by the public holiday
11th June - 16th June 2024Paid20/06/2024
17th June - 23rd JunePaid25/06/2024
24th June - 30th June 2024Paid03/07/2024
1st July - 7th July 2024Paid10/07/2024
8th July - 14th July 2024Paid17/07/2024
15th July - 21st July 2024Paid24/07/2024
22nd July - 28th July 2024Paid31/07/2024
28th July - 4th August 2024Paid07/08/2024
5th August - 11th August 2024Paid15/08/2024Please allow additional time for payments from this period to land in your bank account. We apologise for the delay.
12th August - 18th August 2024Paid21/08/2024
19th August - 25th August 2024Paid27/08/2024
26th August - 1st September 2024Paid05/08/2024
2nd September - 8th September 2024Paid11/09/2024
Adjustments for Matches Paid at 2023 RatesPaid05/08/2024This pay run relates to referees allocated to the following matches between 12th Feb - 3rd March 2024: AYL U14s (centre referees only), GYL1, GYL2, League One Men's First Grade, League One Women's, NPL Women's.
9th September - 15th September 2024Paid18/09/2024
16th September - 22nd September 2024Paid23/09/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 8/10/2024 - 13/10/2024Paid16/10/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 14/10/2024 - 20/10/2024Paid23/10/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 21/10/2024 - 27/10/2024Paid30/10/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 28/10/2024 - 03/11/2024Paid04/11/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 04/11/2024 - 10/11/2024Paid12/11/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 11/11/2024 - 17/11/2024Paid18/11/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 18/11/2024 - 24/11/2024Paid27/11/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 25/11/2024 - 1/12/2024Paid02/12/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 2/12/2024 - 8/12/2024Paid09/12/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 9/12/2024 - 15/12/2024Processing17/12/2024
FNSW FPL Fixtures 16/12/2024 - 22/12/2024Processing23/12/2024Payments may be impacted by public holidays.

If you are missing payment from a date range that is marked as ‘paid’ please ensure you have linked your bank account to Stripe (guide here) via your Dribl account to receive payment- this is not the same as just adding your bank details into your Dribl profile.

Please check that:

  • Your name is on the match sheet and you have accepted your appointment
  • You have checked in to the match sheet
  • You completed the match sheet on the day of the match
  • Your bank account is linked in Dribl

If the above was all completed on the day of the fixture, please allow 14 business days for the payment to be process and enter your bank account. If you updated any of the above steps after the day of the match, your payment will be delayed until the next pay run (the next week + the amount of time for the payment to be processed).

If you have completed all the above and still have not received payment, please email onlinesupport@footballnsw.com.au with a allocations from Dribl.

Please follow this guide carefully as some pages you cannot click back on if you make an error: https://kb.footballnsw.com.au/kb/referees-how-to-onboard-to-stripe-to-receive-match-official-payments-via-dribl/ 

If you require any further assistance with this process, please contact Football NSW Online Services team via (02) 8814 4450 or onlinesupport@footballnsw.com.au

Please contact your Appointments Officer as soon as possible so they can update your presence on the match sheet. Your payment will then be included in the next week’s pay run.

Please contact your Appointments Officer to confirm how your match will be paid.

Yes, please allow 14 business days from the day you linked your account.

Payments are processed on a weekly basis. If you did not complete your match sheet on the day of the match, and you have since completed the match sheet, your match fee will be processed in the next pay cycle, and your payment will be delayed.

Australia Cup and Sapphire Cup matches are paid directly through your branch. Please contact your Appointments Officer or Referees Administrator to confirm when payment will be made.

You will receive an email notification and a Dribl notification advising you have received a payment. Please allow ten business days from this notification for the amount to land in your account.

To check which of your matches have been paid, please follow these steps: https://kb.footballnsw.com.au/kb/how-to-view-dribl-payments-and-payslips-as-a-referee/ 

If all match officials on the game are unable to complete the match sheet due to technical issues, please submit a report via the match sheet with the issue and all the relevant match data (score, cards, goal scorers and subs). The FNSW Referees Department will review and contact you for further information if required.

Please read Step 5 of the guide available here of what to enter when you are asked for your business details: https://kb.footballnsw.com.au/kb/referees-how-to-onboard-to-stripe-to-receive-match-official-payments-via-dribl/  

If you accidentally select that you are a business or are trying to put in an ABN and can’t go back, please contact onlinesupport@footballnsw.com.au with your name, FA number and branch to have your Stripe account reset.

Banking details within Dribl are behind an authentication layer. Only referees themselves and the referee admins can view these details. Dribl leverages Stripe as its payment partner who are one of the leading payment providers in the world. Stripe has stringent security policies and protocols for the protection of their and your data. You can read more on their data policies and security at https://stripe.com/docs/security  and https://stripe.com/en-au/privacy

If you have completed all the required steps, and it has been longer that four weeks, please email refereepayments@footballnsw.com.au with the details of your matches including:

  • Date
  • Venue
  • Teams
  • Your role (e.g. Referee, AR1, AR2, fourth official)