Tip Top Coaching DVD’s ready for kick off

In 2007, Football NSW in conjunction with Tip Top joined forces to create a coaching DVD designed for first time coaches who look after teams between the U6 and U12 age groups. Two DVDs were created, Roo Ball and U9-U12?s, and in 2007 over 8,500 beginner coaches received a copy.
Both 80 minute DVDs offer great advice and guidance to coaches via the professional expertise of one of Australia?s most well known coaching figures, Frank Farina.
A number of topics are discussed in the DVD including:
? Coaching and the Parents
? Organising a Session
? Tackling and Defence
? Fitness with the Ball
? Fun Training Games
? Game Day
? Small Sided Games
? Warm up Games
Tip Top?s commitment to coaching also includes an interactive web site and coaching clinics hosted by current Queensland Roar coach and ex-Socceroo Frank Farina. You can log onto the website www.tiptopcoaching.com.au where you can also find various DVD segments and information which will be beneficial for any coach.
Tip Top are focused on giving value and opportunity to the grass roots members in NSW and Football NSW is proud to facilitate their initiative and vision.
For further information on the Tip Top Coaching DVDs, contact Elizabeth Queixalos at Football NSW on 8814 4421 or elizabeth@footballnsw.com.au