Score a Free Football with Tip Top UP Soft & Smooth


Tip Top UP Soft & Smooth is soft and smooth like the white bread your family loves, with wholegrain goodness hidden inside. The wholegrains contain nutritional goodness including micronutrients, carbohydrates, dietary fibre and protein ? key ingredients to a healthy football star of tomorrow!  
By collecting 5 barcodes from Tip Top UP Soft & Smooth loaves, members of U5-U12s teams can win a Mitre football. But hurry! There are 4,000 footballs to be won, awarded on a ?first in? basis.
PLUS there are up to 260 Mitre training nets to be won by clubs, perfect for playing small sided games! For every 10 footballs awarded to a club’s members, that club will win a training net. The 260 training nets will be awarded to clubs on a “first in” basis.
If that isn?t enough, the TEAM whose members submit the most valid entries throughout the promotional period will win a private training session with Frank Farina! Frank will give your team some pro training tips ahead of finals footy!  Enter as many times as you like to collect balls and improve your team’s chance at winning the major prize! The promotion closes last mail on 13/06/08.
For more details on how clubs and players can participate check out
Also, to claim your free ball click here to be directed to the official order form

Entry opens 28/4/08 and closes last mail on 13/6/08. Entry is subject to full conditions at
Available prizes: 4,000 x footballs value $10; maximum 260 x training nets, value $40; one training session with Frank Farina, value $5,000. If there is a tie for the winner of the training session prize, a draw for the winning team will be held at 11am on 17/6/08 at 1/3 Green Street, Brookvale NSW 2100.  Team that wins the training session published in The Australian on 20/6/08. Promoter: George Weston Foods Limited, ABN 45 008 429 632, of Level 2, Building A, 11 Talavera Rd, North Ryde NSW 2113. Authorised under NSW Permit No LTPS/08/03920; ACT Permit No. TP 08/01656.
? TIP TOP and TIP TOP?S THE ONE words and device are registered trade marks of George Weston Foods Limited. All rights reserved.