Michael Urukalo resigns as Inter Lions coach as Ernesto Meduri takes over


The Inter Lions board thanked Michael for his time and hard work with the club in assembling a strong squad for the 2009 season.
Inter Lions announced that experienced coach former club manager Ernesto Meduri has agreed to  once again take charge as Head Coach for the remainder of the 2009 season. Ernesto is well respected and has been an integral part on Inter Lions Family for well over 25 years. Ernesto coached the 2008 First Grade to second place and Premiers with U20?s in the 2007 season.
Joining Ernesto  is Inter Lions superstar Lachlan Wright- Lachlan  will help Ernesto in keeping  the club fortunes. Lachlan has been a regular with Inter Lions for many years.
Both Ernesto and Lachlan have been entrusted with the clubs future and the club is confident that they will succeed at every level.

-Inter Lions Press Release