Football NSW debut in Premier’s Sporting Challenge Leadership Program

Well over 250 students graduated as leaders after completing a FFA Grassroots Certificate which was a huge achievement as echoed by Football NSW Coach Education Manager Oscar Gonzalez
?It was great to see Football in the fold in what is a very important program that plays a pivotal role in shaping young people?s lives social and health wise.
?Football NSW are looking forward to growing the program in 2013 but was extremely delighted with the reception it received in its inaugural year for 2012.?
The Sport Leadership program was initiated to enable schools to use both student and teacher skills and interests in sport and physical activity in developing or expanding current programs to provide for all students interests.
The Department of Education and Communities’ Student Leadership Framework for Primary Schools and Middle Years Strategies provided the foundation for the development of the program, Learning to Lead, Years 5-8, the first phase of the program that allows schools to develop collaborative sport and physical activity programs within their school learning communities which may include local community sport organisations.
The aim of the Premier’s Sporting Challenge Sports Leadership (PSC SL) program was to provide an education pathway for student sport leaders from years 5 to year 8 interested in the organisation of sport and physical activity programs in their school community.
In 2010 funding from the New School Leaving Age initiative provided an opportunity to extend the development of the PSC SL sport education pathway. For the first time students in Years 9-12 were involved in the program with the explicit aim of expanding on their interests of sport coaching and sport officiating.
The senior program , Leading with Action – Years 9-12, was successfully trialled in November 2011 and has now become an integral part of the overall sport leadership program that now commences in Year 5 and continues through to Year 12.
For the teachers the program will include the organisation and management of a variety of sports and activities appropriate for a wide range of student abilities and interests.
-By Mark Stavroulakis