Giving 4 Grassroots – Apply for up to $10k worth of equipment

Do you need sporting equipment for youth and junior football teams?
It is now time to apply for your grant!
In partnership with the Giving 4 Grassroots campaign via the Australian Sports Foundation, new Equipment Partner Spartan, the organisation is giving away equipment or grants valued at up to $10,000, to benefit programs and activities that will help increase participation in sport for young Aussies aged 16 and under.
Applications close 5pm, Tuesday 10 May.
What kind of equipment can be included in your application?
We define equipment as anything your sports club or organisation uses to play sport such as balls, bats, nets, uniforms, and any kit you use to participate. This grant round doesn’t include fixed goal posts or other fixed infrastructure.
Find out if you’re eligible to apply
• Are you a non-profit organisation incorporated in Australia?
• Do you have an ABN?
• Are your revenues less than $500,000 in each of the last two financial years?
If you have answered yes to all the above then congratulations, you are eligible to apply for a grant of $2,500-$10,000.
Special conditions and selection criteria
Applications are limited to ONE per organisations.
Organisations that have previously received a grant in the 2015 G4G™ grant round will not be eligible for grants in 2016.
Giving 4 Grassroots select successful applicants at our sole discretion. Our Selection Committee will take into account a range of issues, including:
• The nature of the program being funded
• Number of young people impacted by the program
• Social inclusion factors
• Providing funding or equipment to a broad range of sports
• Providing funding or equipment to support clubs across a representative range of geographies
Last year Giving 4 Grassroots received 900 applications!
Below are a few tips to ensure your application has the best chance of being selected:
1. Remember, we are looking for a sporting club or organisation who will purchase equipment to help increase sport for young Aussies aged 16 and under. Your equipment may be able to benefit players of all ages, but we want to hear about the impact on your youth players and members.
2. Sport is an essential part of a child’s life and we want all kids to benefit from participation; consider applying for equipment that will:
• Benefit a large number of kids (eg 50+), or
• Be able to be used for a few seasons
3. Provide Giving 4 Grassroots with as much detail as possible; we want to know all about your organisation, what type of youth participate, the impact your sport has on their lives, etc.