Hills Football set to host Female Only MiniRoos Certificate Coaching Course


In celebration of Football NSW’s Female Football Week, Hills Football will be running a Female Only MiniRoos Certificate for aspiring or current Female coaches on Wednesday 23rd of June at Valentine Sports Park.

Coaches will learn about the fundamentals of the ‘discovery phase’ related to coaches training players aged 5-9 years old.

Coaches will also cover all topics related to this phase and will learn in a safe and inclusive environment with qualified Hills Football instructors.

The course will be facilitated by Hills Football’s Head of Football and Technical Director Dan Sheppard who is eagerly anticipating the upcoming event.

“The female only course has seen an amazing response with a great response to registrations in only 24 hours.

“Currently this is the fastest registering coaching course for Hills Football this year, and has the potential for being the most popular coaching course in Hills Football history.”

Hills Football will look towards scheduling more female only coaching opportunities in 2021, so keep a look out for more details.

Alternatively you can contact Dan on dan.sheppard@hillsfootball.com.au for more information.

Details of the course