Urukalo snapped up as Inter Lions head coach for 2009

Inter Director Santino Grieco stated, ? A coach of Urukalo?s caliber & who?s extensive overseas coaching experience in Asia /Africa / Europe as well as local NSL / Premier League clubs in Australia, all with outstanding success will only be beneficial to Inter and have an overflow effect through the entire club. Having won Championships /League & Charity Cups around the globe, Urukalo is well equipped to help Inter?s ambitious drive to move to the next level.
“Michael?s presence at the club has generated a lot of interest. We have been receiving calls from players wanting to play under Michael. It?s been overwhelming reaction,” ended Grieco.
Urukalo was delighted to have been snapped up by Inter.
“I?m extremely excited at helping Inter Lions achieve their goals and move to the next level. Last Year they had a successful season, but 2009 we are aiming to go one better.
“Inter are a very progressive & ambitious club and are second to none in regards the success they generate in the Inner West area.
“I have noticed that the depth of talent at the club is remarkable in both boys and girls ,very strong in all area?s, Inter have an outstanding junior structure which I intend to utilize not just for the 2009 but for the future as well
I?m certainly looking forward to the start of the 2009 season,” Urukalo ended.