Women’s Sport Leaders Scholarship Program
Scholarships are offered in the following five categories:
? Sports Leadership Scholarship (SLS) ? recipients to undertake a comprehensive 4 day professional development program in sports leadership and administration;
? Coach and Official Development Scholarship (COD) – provides opportunities for women wishing to progress in coaching and officiating to apply for financial support;
? International Travel Scholarship (ITS) ?up to $3,000 to attend an overseas conference, event or training program;
? Sport Management Development Scholarship (SMDS) – provides opportunities for women wishing to progress in all levels of sports administration to apply for financial support to attend agreed professional development opportunities; and
? State Sporting Organisation Initiatives (SSOI) – provides an opportunity for category 5/6 State Sporting Organisations (SSO?s) to apply for up to $5,000 in funding for specific initiatives that assist women progress in that particular sport.
Who is eligible to apply
? Women who are aged 18 years or over on the closing date for applications who are currently involved in either a paid or voluntary capacity in the sport, recreation or physical activity industry in NSW and are permanent residents of NSW
? State Sporting Organisations who are category 5/6
? Women from culturally diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal women, rural and regional women and women with a disability are particularly encouraged to apply.
When can I apply?
Applications for the 2009 scholarship program close 15 April 2009
More information
Visit our website www.dsr.nsw.gov.au or contact Kathy Booth, Project Officer on (02) 9006 3843 or email kathy.booth@dasr.nsw.gov.au.
Follow this link for guidance notes and application forms (Opens in a new browser window)