Working With Kids Seminars 2010


The first seminar in the series was held last night to a mixed crowd of coaches and managers from various Youth League clubs and Associations across Sydney.   The seminars are specifically designed to reinforce the importance of acceptable standards of behaviour and provide information on child protection and working with children at the elite level of youth football.
Football NSW,
Valentine Sports Park – Lecture Room 1,
235 Meurants Lane Glenwood NSW

All seminars start at 7:00pm

SEMINAR 1   –          Wednesday 3 February 2010 – completed
SEMINAR 2   –          Tuesday 9 February 2010 (limited places available)
SEMINAR 3   –          Wednesday 17 February 2010
SEMINAR 4   –          Wednesday 3 March 2010
 All persons attending must pre-register ? see registration information below
Attendance at one (1) WWK seminar is mandatory for all Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Managers registering with Football NSW in 2010 for Metropolitan Representative League, Girls Youth League and Boys Youth League.  
Persons who attended a WWK Seminar in 2007, 2008 or 2009 are not required to attend in 2010.  
Persons currently employed as a NSW Police Officer, Doctor, Nurse or School Teacher can apply for an exemption if accredited child protection training has been completed in their employment.  Strict criteria applies.     
To apply for an exemption contact Michelle Hanley on 02 8814 4402.
To Register
PHONE – 02 8814 4402 or
EMAIL  – Email the information below to
1.     Name of attendee
2.     Position ? Coach, Assistant coach or Manager
3.     Name of Association or Club
4.     Seminar nominated to attend (2, 3 or 4)
Contact Michelle Hanley, Football NSW Risk Manager.
E-mail or phone 8814 4402 (during business hours)