Holly spearheads transgender inclusion round

Determined to see other transgender people find the same supportive sporting opportunities she did, Wagga United recruit Holly Conroy has announced the final week of the local competition will be known as the transgender inclusion in sport round, in what is believed to be an Australian-first.
Joining Wagga United was a life-changing decision for Conroy.
The club welcomed her with open arms at the start of the season, providing her with a much-needed support network and social group.
“When transgender people know they can be part of a team sport, that goes a long way in helping them with their transition and getting on in society,” she said.
All of Wagga United’s women’s teams will be wearing the signature transgender colours on the day, with opponents, men’s teams and spectators encouraged to do the same.
The day will also feature a bouncy castle, as well as transgender coloured ribbons and face painting.
The dedicated round will be played at Rawlings Park on August 27.
*Article courtesy of the Daily Advertiser written by Nicolas Jungfer
Photo by Kieren L. Tilly