Bankstown District Soccer FA ready rock in 2022


The Bankstown District Amateur Football Association (BDAFA) is giving back over $100,000 in rebates to returning players to help support the return of thousands of players back onto the park in 2022.

Having had to deal with the disruption – and ultimately the cancellation – to the 2021 season, BDAFA General Manager Leanne Millar said the Association was focussed on driving retention and ensuring that all 2021 players had plenty of reasons to return to the sport in 2021.

BDAFA players who participated in the associations programs in 2021 will be able to access the rebate which equates to approximately 50% of the 2021 season fees.

“We really hope that our existing members who have been so loyal to us over the last few years are able to return in 2022,” she said.

“Everyone at the Association is looking forward to seeing our players coming back and playing football with us again and getting in a full season.”

Millar said the rebates being offered to returning players was the Association’s way of saying thank you to those who make football great in Bankstown and surrounds.

“We are really thankful for all our volunteers and our participants because they’ve really been supportive and loyal to the Association, particularly over the last 12 months which have been really difficult for us and our clubs,” she said.

“As an Association, we really wanted to make sure that the loyalty we’ve been shown is being rewarded, and our way of doing that is by investing over $100,000 back into our players by way of reducing fees for returning players.

“In reality the investment we’re making could be much more than $100,000. That number was based on relatively conservative estimates of returning players.

“We just can’t wait to see our players back playing football with the Bankstown family.”

The BDAFA is home to 19 clubs and runs over 40 competitions, catering for players as young six right up to over-35s and beyond.

Millar said that whilst the Association has enjoyed considerable growth in recent years, the one aspect of participation that has increased exponentially is women’s and girls football.

“Over the past few years, we’ve seen a huge increase in girls playing the game,” Millar said.

“Last year we had 14 girls teams in our Small Sided Games program, which meant we could run competitions exclusively for girls.

“What we’re hoping to do in 2022 is build on the huge success we’ve had in this space and we hope to have dedicated age groups for Grade 6 and 7 next year to match what happens on the boys side of the draw.”

If you are looking to get back involved in football in 2022 or take it up for the first time, you can find your local club in the BDSFA by heading to  and looking for clubs in your local area.

Check out which clubs you can register for in the BDSFA area below.