Forest Rangers score goals with MiniRoos Kick Off program


Forest Rangers FC are once again making waves in the junior football space in the St George Football Association as they become the third club to sign up to deliver a preseason AIA Vitality MiniRoos Kick Off program.

Forest Rangers FC Junior Development Coach Johnathan Nolan and President of the club, Tony Karahalias jumped at the opportunity to deliver their first Kick Off program for players 4 –  9 years old, once they heard about the program at the back end of 2015.

The progressive junior development club highlighted the growing demand for junior footballing opportunities and structured grassroots program in their meetings with Football NSW MiniRoos development officers as the main reason for coming on board with the nationally endorsed, promoted and recognised FFA introductory program.

AIA Vitality MiniRoos Kick Off aims to provide the perfect environment for young players to be introduced to football through the use of game based exercises and activities, making football fun, inclusive and enjoyed by all involved, including the coaches.

The resources available to clubs that take part in the MiniRoos Kick Off program will also help support the implementation of more enjoyable junior football practices throughout the year, focussing on the players having fun above all else.

If you are a Forest Rangers FC local and looking to ease your way into football, or reintroduce your child to the game after the summer break register to be a part of the Forest Rangers FC Kick Off program and receive a free participant pack to take home which includes a backpack, shinpads. REGISTER HERE.

To find other Football NSW MiniRoos Kick Off sites head to the FNSW MiniRoos Kick Off page or enter your postcode to discover your nearest program at the MiniRoos Kick Off National Locator