Club Coach Coordinator Program success at Northern Suburbs FA

Northern Suburbs Football Association (NSFA) have shown no signs of slowing down due to the COVID-19 break as their Club Coach Coordinator (CCC) program has excelled for the 2020 grassroots season.
NSFA kick started the Club Coach Coordinator program in 2018 and has been successfully running it for the last three seasons.
Since the start of the program, 406 coaches have been influenced through courses and workshops, NSFA’s player retention rate has increased to 70% and 22 NSFA clubs and 41 coaches across those clubs are now involved.
Clubs and Club Coach Coordinators from NSFA have demonstrated incredible initiative in maintaining the commencement of the program for this football season by adjusting the way they deliver development workshops, utilise technology to connect, support and communicate with coaches and mentor coaches on the ground.
This can be seen through the hard work NSFA’s clubs and Club Coach Coordinators have achieved to overcome this seasons challenges.
Many Club Coach Coordinators from clubs such as Lindfield FC, Northbridge, Lane Cove and West Pymble have been very active this season as they have delivered on the ground practical club coach workshops to educate and develop coaches in relation to their coaching behaviours and football knowledge.
Club Coach Coordinators from Gordan SC, North Sydney FC and West Pymble have proven to be innovative in helping coaches more during this time by delivering online coach workshops to educate coaches via platforms such as Zoom.
Club Coach Coordinators from Prouille FC, Asquith SC and Gordan SC have gone one step further this season by creating group chats through social platform WhatsApp to increase communication amongst coaches and continue to mentor coaches online.
Given the circumstances football encountered this season, Club Coach Coordinators from Prouille FC, North Sydney FC, Greenwich SC, North Turramurra FC and Kissing Point FC were able to work around it and provide on the ground mentoring to support fellow coaches regularly throughout the season to enhance their development.
The Club Coach Coordinators involved in this program are all voluntary positions who offer their time and knowledge to help other coaches.
It’s fair to say the success of NSFA’s Club Coach Coordinators program will not be as successful as it is without the voluntary support of these Club Coach Coordinators involved as they have gone far beyond this year to improve the program.
NSFA Community Football Manager Nick Marr has been overlooking the Club Coach Coordinators program since the start and is proud to see how successful the program has been for coaches, players and clubs within the association.
“The Club Coach Coordinators program has been pivotal to the positive football experience provided to players and coaches within the NSFA.
“The football development our association has seen can be attributed to the great number selfless individuals within clubs that have collectively shaped and positively influenced football in our community.
“We are very fortunate and grateful to have a remarkable group of Club Coach Coordinators willing to support their club coaches and players so that they fall in love and stay in love with football.
“We will continue to grow our program with clubs adding more people to their Club Coach Coordinators team so that their influence is regularly felt by all.”
The Club Coach Coordinator Program is aimed at improving the coaching standard and experience, assisting clubs in developing a positive culture, and ultimately providing players with a safe, inclusive, and enjoyable football experience.
Its crystal clear that NSFA are making waves in their association with the Club Coach Coordinators program and it will be exciting to see how they progress in the future.
By Adrian Talevski