Hawkesbury YMCA Free Futsal clinics for 5-14 year olds
The YMCA Hawkesbury Indoor Stadium and Futsal NSW are proud to announce a series of FREE Indoor Soccer clinics to be held at the Hawkesbury Indoor Stadium. This is a great chance for all kids in the local area to get in involved in Futsal at their local YMCA. At a time when Australians are facing touch financial times, the YMCA continues to be committed to delivering a Futsal program that can be enjoyed by all kids in the community no matter their economic circumstances.
The free clinics will be held on the following days
? 18th August: 5 – 9 year olds (5pm- 6pm)
? 25th August: 10- 14 year olds (5pm – 6pm)
We hope every child in the local area takes advantage of this wonderful initiative driven by the YMCA and Futsal NSW.
Bookings are essential.
Contact information
Ph: (02) 45878788
Email: rahim.lalani@ymca.org.au
Address: 16 Stewart Street, South Windsor, 2756
Website: www.ymcasydney.org/stadium